I hereby declare that the information furnished on the Admission Form is correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
- I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the institute as mentioned there in the prospectus and any addition / deletion / amendments thereafter.
- I shall not claim for the refund of any type of fee / dues or any other charges after dismiss ion, under any circumstances, whatsoever nor is it adjustable towards any
other existing courses at ITTA or any yet to be launched nor towards the fee of any other existing or prospective student.
- I understand that if I leave the institute before the completion of the course for any reason whatsoever, including transfer of father / mother / Local Guardian / ill health
of myself or any other member of the family or my admission in any institute /course / engineering college etc., or my studentship is cancelled because of misconduct etc., I or my parents / Local Guardian shall have no claim for refund of fees.
- I know that if my Registration with the examining body gets delayed or cancelled or rejected due to any reason what so ever, I will not claim for the refund of fee
deposited and institute will be held responsible for the same.
- In the event of any dispute regarding the interpretation of clauses of admission form or any claim etc., arising out of taking the admission in ITTA Chandigarh, the matter shall be referred to the Management of ITTA. The decision of the Management shall be final & binding.